In strength there is weakness, and in weakness there is strength. Through the passage of time strong becomes weak and weak strong... SUN TZU

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Aku tetap aku ...

Ada kawan aku tengah tension. Sebab apa? Sebab... aku nak buat PhD tahun ni! Aku tak pulak rasa mende-mende yang berbeza. Aku tetap aku. PhD tu hanyalah salah satu perkara yang aku fikir aku perlu buat. Cita-cita aku yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan orang lain. Orang ... orang punya cerita. Aku ... aku juga ada cetera aku sendiri. Setiap orang harus punya cita-cita. Cita-cita yang memberi semangat untuk terus berjuang di dalam hidup yang serba tak kena. Satu perkara yang pasti tentang diri aku ialah aku tidak pernah peduli dengan apa pendapat orang lain tentang aku. Walau berjuta orang tidak suka aku dengan diri dan cara hidup aku ini....aku percaya aku tidak perlu berubah mengikut kehendak khalayak yang serba tak kena itu juga!!! AKU adalah AKU! Keakuan ku begitu gagah berdiri di dalam jasad aku ini, sehingga, aku berasa aku terlalu taksub dengan diri - jasmani dan rohani... jasad dan akal serta ruh diriku ini ... Sudah pasti ini salah...tapi ya inilah kenyataanya ...aku tetap aku.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007's valentine!!!

I don't celebrate valentine. Why? Because I said so. Ha Ha! Why must I celebrate something that will not help me in my spiritual or physical life? Yeah, one must show some kind of appreciation to love ones. But is it only on valentine day you love that person? Y make a big fuss about getting chocolate or roses or what ever people are giving to each other these days??... Love is about being fair, responsible and unselfish sacrifices. Our parents deserve to be our valentine (if it's worth it) forever for all what they have done for us. Who love their children more than anything in the world? All of us... those who are parents would know. Don't you think so too??

Monday, February 05, 2007


Today I had an argument with my boss. He said I am out of line when I asked for more money for a project I am doing. Oh! Really? All these years I never said a word about using my own money for all the unspoken usage on any projects, and suddenly when I asked for some more... (not one million!!)... just one hundred more for a whole year expenses (on drinks... see how silly it was!!!) ... I am OUT OF LINE! OK ... that does it... I think I have no choice but to ask for another job! Some bosses are really $*%?#!!!